Join The Nation`s Leading online Dat Prep Course

With the Highest Dental Admissions Test Scores


One-on-one support with instructors

Most representative of the DAT

Thousands of practice questions that mimic the difficulty level and concepts of the DAT


Expert Developed techniques and shortcuts to answer questions within seconds of the DAT

90% of the students who have completed our DAT Course have scored within the top 10% in the nation and have become a part of iPrepDental’s “20 Plus Club”.

With over 18 full-length practice tests, hundreds of quizzes and practice questions, and over 50 hours of recorded lectures with detailed study notes, you will be prepared to answer all the possible topics asked on the DAT


With over 18 full-length practice tests, hundreds of quizzes and practice questions, and over 50 hours of recorded lectures with detailed study notes, you will be prepared to answer all the possible topics asked on the DAT

iPrepDental’s DAT Prep Program is not just another DAT review course. We do not assume that you remember anything from your undergraduate courses, so we teach you everything from the very basic. Our program is precisely developed to not only teach our students all the information they need to answer each DAT question, yet equip them with methods and strategies to answer the questions FAST and EFFECTIVELY

iPrepDental’s DAT Prep Program is not just another DAT review course. We do not assume that you remember anything from your undergraduate courses, so we teach you everything from the very basic. Our program is precisely developed to not only teach our students all the information they need to answer each DAT question, yet equip them with methods and strategies to answer the questions FAST and EFFECTIVELY

From Iprep Dental to Dental School

How it works

Enroll in our course.

Will be shipped to you via FedEx.

Receive 3-month access to our
8-weeks DAT course.

Once you receive the material,
you are ready to start!

See why 97% of the students who have completed our DAT course recommend us

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